

My name is Adrián Alonso, I am a young web developer born in the south of Spain. Since I was young I was passionate about technology and one day I decided to become a programmer and I focused on web development. In my free time I like reading, playing the guitar, hiking and doing sports, if it's outdoors the better.

Work experience

In 2021 I joined Grupo Playcar (a car dealership) as an intern. I worked using vanilla php, javascript and bootstrap for the creation of the motorbike sales page.

In 2022 I worked at NTT DATA as a junior programmer developing an application for the healthcare sector with SQL, JAVA, JSF, XHTML, JavaScript and CSS technologies. I held monthly meetings with the client to show the advances developed in the application.

In 2022/23 I worked at Indra Minsait as a developer, for the social care sector. The technologies I used were JAVA, Springboot, SQL and PLSQL.

And... Now?

After having worked for some time for technology consultancies I have decided to explore new horizons and I am learning Laravel which is a framework that I fell in love with as soon as I saw it. I hope to be able to work with it soon, I'm looking forward to it. I'm also testing the Tailwind framework for CSS which I didn't know and I'm really liking it.


These are the technologies I feel most comfortable working with, there are technologies like JAVA that although I have worked with them I do not feel comfortable, and others like Laravel that although I have not used them yet in any company I have worked for, I feel comfortable and I would like to use it.


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